I can never tag. I don't know why ):
But anyway, a week has passed since promotion. I'm sorry I haven't been able to go for patrol meeting cos I'm stuck at home with !@%£"!*chicken pox*£%£@!&£. Stupid blisters are still not okay.
Damn it. I want to be at promotion. Turn back timeee! ):
I also feel so sad after seeing all your posts. Well, we have all experienced parting with our old patrols (except sec1s la) haha it's...undescribably heart-wrenching. But we all got over it (:
Signing off, Ethel~
| at 7:10 AM
hello my dearest orchidians(:
hmm,i really don't know what to say here.
but i really have to thank you guys(esp juliana and amy)for their really sweet messages!(:
thank you joey too:D (i know you'll work hard for ORCHID yeah!,congrats(: )
and thank you elissa and ethel for the encouraging messages,and the piggy thingy from elissa,haha.
it was really sweet of you to post the photo we took together today.. i like
cried in front of the computer..and am gonna break again.
but, since im transferred, i should make the best of my time there,in hibiscus(: (a real coincidence since yellow,blue and green badge ps/pl all from swallow last time!) o0
since the transfer this year, i've reflected alot.
now that i think about it, im really playful and immature at times.
so im sorry if you were maybe unhappy that im like that..
and no,elissa,i don't blame you at all,so stop thinking this way!
jiayou ORCHID!! (:
love,your orchid member always, beverly(:
p.s. i'll never forget you bunch of fun-loving people(: <3!
| at 5:13 AM
Hello all (:
I won't say that friday's promotion/enrolment wasn't sad and all because it really is. Enrolment, quite sad that Nicole didn't get that beautiful shiny badge that all of us has but yeah, JIAYOU!
Promotion, well, thank you people for erm 'screaming' for me, (it was really high -AMY??) Hahah. And Beverly, all the best yeah (:
Don't forget us, your NIANG JIA :D
And Congrats to Joey TOK! Hahah, the guider emphasised on the TOK. Heh. I'm sorry your white flower's like super small. Mine also lor!
Hahah. Ps, you really look neater when you tie your hair what!
Yup, Sec 1s, dont be sad too alright, cos Beverly's not tearing away from Orchid [:
Yeah, despite all the parting and stuff, all of us must Jiayou, strive to excel in guides, pass all your tests and etc (:
Of course, you three sec1s must be more bonded eh! Like you dont know Nicole like that :\ That's not good okay!
Anyway, it's for Beverly's own good that I transferred her k, don't blame me (but if you do, I won't fault you, cos afterall I understand the feeling of being transferred.) But hopefully Beverly, you'll truly understand.
Uhhuh. So, next patrol meeting we'll still be Orchid as One [:
<3, Elissa ((:
Orchid WILL always be the same
| at 4:28 AM
er...many things happened sei.
in a few months many left...
juz rmb:orchid will be the same, only people come and no one leaves...
orchid luvs every1 forever...haha meanin orchid loves orchid forever haha so juliana love all the orchidians 4ever[=
lol some pics i took[=
lol juz now the pic haha red red face
beverly,mine,amy and joeys bag on the bench the 1 on the floor i dunno is hu de haha
pat meetin elissa eating cake...*yumm
The yumm cake beverly and joey bought xie xie nis!
haha ethel takin cake but she doesnt noe dat she was bein taken haha[=
juliana.the girl hu has been cryin lots lately['=